Minecraft observatory
Minecraft observatory

“It’s not enough that your child sticks a couple of criteria on the list of what they learn in school.

#Minecraft observatory series#

Their personal interests and what motivates them are not connected to what they learn in formal education.Īs a starting point for sharing this apathy, Ito proposes to ask us a series of questions: Where are the young people? What do they like to do? Where can we find common ground between what they like to do and what we need to teach them so that they can become what they want to be? These are the fundamental questions of connected learning. By the time they get to college, 45% of students report learning little during the first two years of university education, simply because they are not engaged. Ito argued that student engagement is a critical issue for maintaining the quality of the educational experience, and she explained that this involvement is on the decline as students grow older. In this context, what is necessary is not only a transfer of knowledge but also the educational experience that keeps them motivated, active, and eager to learn.ĭr. As fabrics of an organism, the interests and passions of students chart the path to the areas that they most desire to learn and in which they will very possibly develop professionally in the future. The theory of connected learning holds that education is not a linear process it is a set of interconnections that build the cognitive structure on which students rely to absorb and understand new information. Upon asking this, the professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine, discovered something crucial that would play an important role in her son’s educational future: his hobbies. When Ito asked him what it was about, her son replied that it was a fanfiction tale within StarCraft’s fictional universe. At the end of the game session, he printed a text that he took to read.

minecraft observatory minecraft observatory

She recounted an experience with her son in which the young man played StarCraft just before bedtime. Mizuko Ito began her keynote address at CIIE 2019 conference with a very peculiar anecdote.

Minecraft observatory