Cytoscape cola
Cytoscape cola

cytoscape cola

Interface, the appearance of your network is easily customized. Mapped table data sets is called a Style and can be created orĮdited in the Style panel of the Control Panel. Transparency, or font type) of the network. The data dictionary of a node returned when you hover over it.ĭictionary indicating the initial panning position of the graph.One of Cytoscape’s strengths in network visualization is the ability toĪllow users to encode any table data (name, type, degree, weight,Įxpression data, etc.) as a property (such as color, size of node, The data dictionary of an edge returned when you hover over it. Not be scaled smaller than this zoom level. Not be scaled larger than this zoom level.Ī minimum bound on the zoom level of the graph. Padding around the sides of the canvas, if fit is enabled.Ī maximum bound on the zoom level of the graph. Loading, which impacts the startup time of the app. Necessary, since they require supplementary bandwidth for Be careful about using the extra layouts when not `dash_cytoscape.load_extra_layouts()` before creating yourĭash app. `cose`: Force-directed physics simulation. `breadthfirst`: Tree structure built using BFS, with optional Grid, optionally with numbers of `rows` and `cols`. Multi-level circle, with optional radius. Single-level circle, with optional radius. The layouts available by default are: `random`: RandomlyĪssigns positions. name (a value equal to: 'random', 'preset', 'circle', 'concentric', 'grid', 'breadthfirst', 'cose', 'cose-bilkent', 'fcose', 'cola', 'euler', 'spread', 'dagre', 'klay' required): Whether to render the nodes in order to fit the canvas. Keys acceptedĪre either `x1, y1, x2, y2` or `x1, y1, w, h`, all of which

#Cytoscape cola how to#

How to constrain the layout in a specific area. Whether to animate change in position when the layout changes.ĭuration of animation in milliseconds, if enabled. The value is a JavaScript function or a callback. Note that certain keys are not supported in Dash since Layouts, the options are listed in the \"API \" section of the Options are available on the [Cytoscape.js The complete list of layouts and their accepted Layouts: `fit`, `padding`, `animate`, `animationDuration`, The keys accepted by `layout` varyĭepending on the algorithm, but these keys are accepted by all The `'name'` key is required, and indicates which Null if no image was requested yet or the previous request failed.Ī dictionary specifying how to set the position of the elements in String representation of the image requested with generateImage. type (a value equal to: 'svg', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg' optional): Offers an extensive overview and examples of element declaration.Īlternatively, a dictionary with the format `. Information provided varies depending on the type of theĪ list of dictionaries representing the elements of the networks.Įach dictionary describes an element, and specifies its purpose. Position associated with option selected.ĭictionary containing information about the selected item.

cytoscape cola

coordinates (list of numbers optional):Īrray containing latitude and longitude where context menu was Examples of valid selectors include node,ĭictionary returned when a context menu option is selected. Takes in a Cytoscape selector (see Cytoscape documentation for `contextmenu` is a list of dicts with keys:ĭetermines which Cytoscape elements the option is attached to. Options are rendered in the order presented. Accepts a list of dictionaries, each of which describes aĬontext menu option. Sets the class name of the element (the value of an element's htmlĭisplays a context menu on right click. boxSelectionEnabled (boolean default False): Whether nodes should be unselectified (immutable selection state)īy default (if True, overrides individual element state). autounselectify (boolean default False): Whether nodes should be ungrabified (not grabbable by user) byĭefault (if True, overrides individual node state). (if True, overrides individual node state). Whether nodes should be locked (not draggable at all) by default Whether the layout should be refreshed when elements are added or autoRefreshLayout (boolean default True): The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks. base_component import Component, _explicitize_argsĪ Component Library for Dash aimed at facilitating network visualization in

Cytoscape cola